Periods are
powerful, natural,
and beautiful.
Over 500 million people worldwide
lack access to menstrual supplies.
Period poverty can lead to urogenital infections, feelings of shame, and
absenteeism at school and at work. 1 in 3 girls in South Asia miss school during their
period. HER works to address the complexities and challenges of period poverty.

How It All Began
In early 2020, Manyasiri Chotbunwong was
diagnosed with the menstrual disorder Polycystic
Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) after losing her period
for 8 months. She began talking to her friends
and former inmates at the House of Blessing
foundation about their menstrual issues.
Upon hearing stories of girls missing school
during their periods due to shame and lack of
menstrual supplies, Manyasiri was inspired to
develop reusable, affordable, and effective
period-care solutions for women - that initial
intention and action gave birth to HER.
Manyasiri Chotbunwong launched HER at age 15.
Before that, she founded The Union, Thailand's 1st
Interscholastic Student Newspaper which she
currently leads as editor-in-chief.
Manyasiri has worked with her school's health
department to create new lessons on menstrual
disorders, and successfully proposed to have boys
and girls learn about menstruation together for the
first time.
She was recognized as a Diana Award recipient
and EARCOS Global Citizen for her work in
advancing menstrual hygiene. She is also an
ambassador for The Pad Project.